Selasa, 23 Mei 2017


Jesus said, "I am sending you like sheep into the midst of wolves." Not just around the wolves' residence, but you are sent directly into the midst of wolves. Being a Christian is not a kind of escape. If you think that being a Christian is a sort of escape from your problems in the world, then you are coming to the wrong place.

A place for Christians not when you sit in a church isolated from the outside world, or when you are in your fellowship group. You just function as a Christian when you are at your residence or at your workplace. That's where you begin to function as a Christian. You just function as a Christian when you are in the midst of enemies; Not in the midst of the friends. It is not easy to be a Christian.

What kind of a sheep's character is? The sheep, as you know, is offered as a sacrificial offering. Why is Jesus called the Lamb of God? Because Jesus offered himself as the sin offering of the world. Why are we called sheep like Jesus? Because you and I will be sacrificed. All of us, will be sacrificed if we want to function as Christians.

Are you ready to be a victim offering? Do not become a sheep if you do not want to be sacrificed. Sheep are animal sacrifices. Is there anyone who says that being a Christian is easy? If I do not want to be victimized, then I will not want to waste my time by becoming a Christian. Because I will only be a church visitor only. I will only be a religious person. I'm just going to be one of the religious people of one of the world's religions. It is not the call that Jesus gave us. Pay close attention to what Jesus calls us. He calls us to be sheep. Ask yourself: what will happen to the sheep that go to the midst of the wolves? Most of them will die.

Some of us are willing to die. Some of us, like Paul, are willing to be sacrificed as offerings. And our deaths happen in various ways. We do not just die physically. Besides, there is nothing special about it. We will all be dead, Christian or non-Christian. So to face death is not a great glory. What is important is the willingness to die for God not just to die physically. After all, dying is easier than living life as a living sacrifice.

Think of life as a living sacrifice, living in the midst of wolves. It only takes a second or two for the sheep to experience death. The wolves just need to bite your neck and break your veins, then end it all! But living as a sheep in the midst of wolves, every time you look around you see the other wolf looking at you, every time you feel as if their fangs are ready to drown, I think life for Christ is definitely heavier than death for Christ. Many of us will be successful martyrs, but not many will succeed in living for Christ. And what Jesus calls for us is to live a sacrificial life as a disciple, where we are willing to go into the world equipped by the power of God and also ready to suffer.

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